Clavicle Fracture? We have a block for that

Love this simple and effective block. Generally need under 10ml of anesthetic. I split the anesthetic to both sides of the fracture line. You can also just do one side if you are in a rush. This should be standard in your process for clavicle fractures.

A) Ultrasound probe should be placed right at the clavicle with the probe marker facing cephalad (toward the head).

B) Ultrasound image with labeled relevant anatomy.

A) Ultrasound probe placed in a sagittal plane with the probe marker cephalad. In-plane needle technique.

B) The goal is to visualize the needle tip until it touches the clavicle (red line).

The ultrasound system screen needs to be in clear line of sight so that the clinician can see both needle and ultrasound image.

A) In-plane needle entry

B) Needle tip visualized clearly with anesthetic deposited under the clavipectoral fascia